Bay Area News: MTC Endorses Policy Recommendations to Address the Bay Area Housing Crisis

Last December, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) voted to endorse a series of policy proposals from the Committee to House the Bay Area, known as CASA. This independent committee, made up of stakeholders including representatives from cities, businesses such as Google and Facebook, and advocates such as Urban Habitat, had been deliberating for 18 months about how to address the housing shortfall in the region. CASA was established after the last regional transportation plan, known as Plan Bay Area, was passed.

Ballot Box Results on Key Propositions

Last week, California voters rejected Proposition 6, which would have repealed the SB1 transportation funding increases, by a ten point margin. As we noted in previous editions of the e-news, Proposition 6 would have resulted in a self-inflicted crisis on our state’s transportation system, not only removing billions of already allocated dollars, but rendering virtually impossible any future increases in revenue.

Central Valley: Join Us for Active Transportation Network Meetings

The Safe Routes Partnership will be convening Active Transportation Networks (ATN) alongside partner coalition meetings in San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. On October 17, the ATN will meet in conjunction with the Stanislaus Sustainable Communities Coalition in Modesto, at which there will be a presentation of a Safe Routes to School Action Plan developed by the Airport Neighborhood Collaborative. Then, on November 13, the Network will convene in Stockton at a meeting of the Healthy Neighborhoods Collaborative.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California