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Who Moved My Cheese?

Dave CowanChange is inevitable, it is said. It is how we choose to adapt to this change that is central in the New York Times bestseller “Who Moved My Cheese?” that eloquently describes our instinctual response to change through a parable about two mice and two mini-people whose cheese supply has been moved.

It's Voting Season

Stephanie Weber

NOTE: An update on the outcome of this vote follows the original post.

I realize you might think I am being a bit premature with this declaration, but I am not talking about the November elections. I am referring to a critical vote—a referendum—in Georgia that will influence the direction of transportation funding in the coming years.

Update from the Connecticut Safe Routes to School Program

The Connecticut Safe Routes to School program is making progress in providing safe walking and bicycling improvements around schools and communities! The Safe Routes to School infrastructure program just recently completed its fourth funding cycle, awarding more than $3 million in funding. Six awarded projects will benefit nine schools in six communities around the state with improvements such as sidewalk installation, bike lanes, multiuse paths, school zone signs and pavement markings.