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Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 · Time: 11 a.m.–12 p.m. MT

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Using Safe Routes to School to Build Safer, More Connected

Three Weeks In: Impacts of the New Administration’s Actions on Safe Routes

A lot has happened in Washington in the past three weeks. We at the Safe Routes Partnership are gathering intel and as things become clearer, we will continue to advocate for funding and policies that support walking, biking and Safe Routes while centering the people within this movement.

The Fastest Way to Fall in Love with a City Is on Two Wheels

Red bike prompted up against a bike repair station. Green vegetation and a covered green house behind the bike.

New Year, New Federal Landscape

The new year ushers in a season of change in Washington, D.C., and I’m not just referring to the snowfall in the nation’s capital! The 119th Congress was sworn in, and the change in presidential administrations will occur on January 20, 2025 – Inauguration Day. What does this all mean for federal transportation policy and funding?

Bonus Money Coming to States for TAP

Wishing for more funding for sidewalks, bike lanes, and Safe Routes to School? You’re in luck! Thanks to Representative Rick Larsen (D-WA), the Ranking Democrat on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, there is $180 million in additional funding coming to states through the Transportation Alternatives Program.


Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 · Time: 1 p.m.–2 p.m. ET · Location: Zoom



Highlights from the 2024 Safe Routes to School National Conference


Celebrating Nichole Hollis: A Champion for Safer, Equitable Journeys to School


Growing up in Tucson, parks were the heart of our family gatherings – a spacious spot for my large extended family to come together. I’ll have to admit that keeping track of everyone was a challenge! But it was always safe to call someone prima/primo (cousin) or Tío/Tía (aunt/uncle).


We are absolutely overjoyed to join you in celebrating Ruby Bridges and her incredible legacy throughout the nation! To make planning your event as easy as possible, we’ve curated a resource that will guide you every step of the way.

These resources are for the 2024 celebration. We will release new material as the 2025 date gets closer!

Now Hiring: Technical Assistance Manager or Senior Manager for the Safe Routes Partnership

Applications Due: November 4, 2024


It seems like every year, we open our September federal policy post wondering whether the government will shut down on October 1 due to Congress failing to pass a budget, and unfortunately, 2024 is no different! So, will the government shut down? Our crystal ball tells us it won’t.


We’ve developed state report cards which provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, and physical activity for children and adults as of 2024.


We've developed state report cards which provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, rolling, and active kids and communities.

August recess is upon us, which means lawmakers are back in their home states and districts. With the entire House up for re-election, and one-third of the Senate and The White House on the ballot in November, lawmakers and candidates are making the case for (re) election to their constituents.

Walk, Ride, and Roll Webinar Series

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 2 p.m. ET

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day honors the living legacy of civil rights activist Ruby Bridges. Every November 14th, schools organize Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day activities to promote meaningful dialogue on activism, anti-racism, and anti-bullying. This webinar explores the history behind Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day and how to plan and implement impactful activities. We will also share an exciting opportunity to boost your celebration with a Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day mini-grant.


Kori Johnson, Program and Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership

Cailin Henley, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Transportation Planner, City of Tacoma, Department of Public Works