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A Tribute to Congressman Oberstar: Father of Safe Routes to School

It is with a very deep sadness and extremely heavy heart that the Safe Routes to School National Partnership mourns the passing of 79-year-old Congressman James Oberstar (D-MN from 1974-2010). His death was announced this morning through a statement from his family. Congressman Oberstar passed peacefully in his home in Maryland during his sleep; apparently he was not ill.

Florida Rallies Around Bike to School Day

May is the last month of the school year for many Southern states, and one where we see great numbers of children actively commuting to and from school.  Maybe there are so many people walking and bicycling because the weather is so nice, or maybe because teachers and parents want an outlet to that pre-summer energy the kids seem to have bundled inside them!  Regardless, walking and bicycling to school are great ways to enjoy the outdoors in our Southern state as well as get some much needed physical activity.