National Policy & Advocacy

MAP-21 Reauthorization Kicks into High Gear…Maybe

Matthew ColvinThe deadline to prevent the Highway Trust Fund from becoming insolvent is rapidly approaching, leaving Congress and the Administration with just months to identify a solution.  But will they be up to the task?  The stakes for Congress couldn’t be higher, with a failure to act putting hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk and bringing thousands of construction projects, includ

What the Federal Government Shutdown Means for the Next Transportation Bill

Margo PedrosoAfter Congress and the President were unable to agree on a deal to continue funding for federal agencies and programs through the annual appropriations process, the federal government was shut down and non-essential employees were sent home. The shutdown is now in its second week, and there is no sign of progress towards a resolution.

Congratulations to Memphis, TN For Passing the Nation's 500th Complete Streets Policy

Christy SmithThis August, Memphis, Tennessee was honored by the National Complete Streets Coalition for adopting the Nation's 500th Complete Streets Policy. The Safe Routes Partnership's Tennessee Network sent a letter to Mayor Wharton of Memphis, congratulating him on the honor and for leading the efforts for Complete Streets in Memphis.