National Policy & Advocacy

Getting to Know TAP

We are now six weeks out from when Congress passed the FAST Act, securing funding for Safe Routes to School and the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) for five more years. Here at the Safe Routes Partnership, we've been spending a lot of time educating advocates about what changed and what didn't in the FAST Act, and gathering as much information as we can to help you access the funding.

A New Year, A New Transportation Law: What Now?

We have been advocating together for three years for a new transportation bill that supports Safe Routes to School, walking and bicycling.  Now that Congress has passed the FAST Act and locked in funding for the Transportation Alternatives Program (or as it is now also known the STP Setaside), what should advocates be focusing on?

Congress Locks In Funding for Safe Routes with New Five-Year Transportation Bill

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), which is the final transportation agreement negotiated between the House and Senate.  Once the Senate passes the agreement, expected by early next week, a new five-year transportation law will be in effect.

House Transportation Bill on the Move

The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee has set its consideration of the transportation bill for Thursday, October 22. This is coming in just under the wire, as the current transportation law expires at the end of October.  Congress will still have to do an extension of current law to allow the House to complete its work and then come to agreement with the Senate -- hopefully by mid-December.  (Update 10/22/15:  The committee completed consideration of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act today.  An amendment offered by Reps.

House Transportation Bill on Tap for September

While members of Congress have been back in their districts meeting with constituents, House transportation committee staff has been huddled in Washington working on a transportation bill. You may recall that in July, the Senate completed action on its version of the transportation bill but the House instead pushed to extend current transportation law a few more months.

Senate Committee Unveils DRIVE Act; Needs More to Support Bicycling and Walking

Margo PedrosoToday, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) unveiled their new six-year transportation bill.  The DRIVE Act (Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy Act) primarily shores up our existing interstate and road-focused transportation system.  Unsurprisingly given its name, the bill does not adequately address the needs of communities all across