Carol PulleyThe Safe Routes Partnership's state network project is working to get more Complete Streets policies and improve current ones. As we do this, we learned about several jurisdictions in Florida that have taken their own initiative and are doing just that. We will continue to work hard to make sure this trend continues in our network states!

In Florida, especially in the more populated areas, sprawl was becoming a way of life. Everything was about the motor vehicle. It is now refreshing to see Broward and Brevard Counties taking a giant step forward with Complete Streets Resolutions.

Leveraging a recently awarded Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grant, the Transforming Our Community's Health (TOUCH) Initiative, the Broward Regional Health Planning Council partnered with the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Smart Growth Partnership, to create healthy and safe places in Broward County that support active lifestyles. As a result of this TOUCH Initiative, Broward's 31 municipalities soon will have the tools necessary to design streets that balance all modes of transportation. The Broward MPO is the first regional agency in Florida and the nation to use The Model Design Manual for Living Streets for Los Angeles County for the development of customized Complete Streets Guidelines. These Guidelines can now be used to empower local governments to design, construct and operate streets to meet the demands of all transportation modes and all users, of all abilities. Broward MPO, Smart Growth Partnership and Urban Health Partnerships will be working collaboratively to develop and implement the community design standards that encourage Complete Streets and Smart Growth Cities. Taking a big step toward safer, healthier streets, the Broward MPO unanimously endorsed the Broward Complete Streets Guidelines. Now the Guidelines have been endorsed, the next step will be implementing them into each local jurisdiction's transportation policies and practices. Two municipalities have already taken steps to begin adopting the Guidelines into their design standards.

In Brevard County, Space Coast TPO Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities must be able to safely move along and across a complete street. The Brevard County Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) has passed a Complete Streets resolution followed by resolutions by the following municipalities: Cape Canaveral, Cocoa, Valkaria, Palm Bay, Rockledge and West Melbourne. They encourage the local governments within Brevard County to adopt Complete Street policies and institutionalize Complete Street principles. They encourage the Florida Department of Transportation to coordinate and cooperate with local government implementing Complete Streets projects on the State Highway System. To encourage and assist with the implementation of Complete Street projects, Space Coast TPO adopted the Complete Street Project Guidelines as the process by which financial assistance may be made available to local governments.

The Safe Routes Partnership applauds these efforts and looks to these jurisdictions as role models.
More information is on the websites:
