The Nevada statewide Safe Routes to School program is in its third round of national Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding. Funding started in 2008 and the third round of SAFETEA-LU money is funded in 2012 and 2013. The state program covers the major urban areas in the state along with rural areas with a mixture of infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. Approximately $10 million dollars has been spent or committed so far. There have been 25 projects with 12 partners in the state.
There are five current partners for Infrastructure for 2012-13 and include; Carson City Health and Human Services, Clark County School District, City of Henderson, City of Las Vegas and Washoe County School District. The three main partners include funding full-time SRTS Coordinators and they are; Carson City Health and Human Services, Clark County School District and Washoe County School District. Carson City Health and Human Services is a new partner this round, and covers 1 city and 3 counties (Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey Counties) in western Nevada. There are 3 partners for 3 Infrastructure projects currently in progress. The 5 E’s are well covered in a diverse state, but within unique programs; one through the school police, one within school administration and one with a health department. Nevada Moves Day will be April 24 and is a state-wide walking and bicycling event organized by the SRTS team.