The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) at a joint planning and administrative committee meeting advanced a preferred land use scenario toward the development of Plan Bay Area 2040. The Preferred Scenario represents a regional pattern of household and employment growth by the year 2040, and includes a corresponding transportation investment strategy.

The scenario fails to achieve the physical activity and health goals set by MTC and ABAG staff. The Healthy and Safe Communities target is a decrease in negative health impacts of 10%. The scenario falls far short of that goal, only decreasing negative health impacts by 1%.

letter from thirteen organizations expressed concern about the failure to get anywhere near our regional goals related to safety, health, and active transportation. The letter calls on MTC to increase investments in programs like Safe Routes to School, Spare the Air Youth, and to support our regional trail system and green infrastructure. It also calls on MTC to increase its staffing levels related to active transportation.

Now the preferred scenario will be heard by the MTC Commission and ABAG Executive Board for adoption at a joint November 17 meeting. This final scenario will form the foundation for Plan Bay Area 2040, slated for adoption in 2017.


California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California