The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) announced its regional ATP award list. MTC received 61 applications totaling about $166 million in response to the Regional ATP Call for Projects. Staff recommends fully funding 13 projects and partially funding one project for a total of $22.2 million. Of the 14 projects, 7 are Safe Routes to School-related, and 9 are under $1 million. 94% of funds benefit communities of concern. 79% of funds benefit SRTS-related projects. MTC’s Programming and Allocations Committee approved the recommendations, with full Commission approval expected on January 25. Between the Statewide and Regional ATP, every Bay Area county received at least one project from Cycle 3.

Fresno COG also released their Regional draft project list. Fresno COG also released their Regional draft project list. It is slated for $2.7 million total – 5 projects were proposed to be funded, 2 of them SRTS-related.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California