The Strategic Growth Council announced the release of their final guidelines for the Transformative Climate Communities program on August 24, 2017 following a council meeting Thursday morning, in which they voted to adopt the final guidelines for the program. The final guidelines incorporate feedback from groups like ours on the past four rounds of draft guidelines. Most notably, the final revision includes technical assistance to applicants and a scoring criteria rubric. The guidelines also uplifted community engagement and public participation as key component for criteria.  For more information on the new amendments, you can read the staff memo here and the finalized guidelines here. The call for proposalsstarts August 25th, with concept proposals due by October 18th.

Half of the funding ($70 million) is set aside for the City of Fresno to implement projects that have been identified through community-driven planning processes that achieve significant greenhouse gas reduction benefits, improve public health and environmental benefits, and expand economic opportunity and shared prosperity. That community input process has begun through a series of meetings in August facilitated by the city and the Central Valley Community Foundation in a process known as the Fresno Transformative Climate Communities Collaborative. The Collaborative will be meeting through September to establish a unified proposal. One fourth of the total funds has been allocated to the City of Los Angeles and a third location will be under review of a competitive grant process as noted above.

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