Last December, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) voted to endorse a series of policy proposals from the Committee to House the Bay Area, known as CASA. This independent committee, made up of stakeholders including representatives from cities, businesses such as Google and Facebook, and advocates such as Urban Habitat, had been deliberating for 18 months about how to address the housing shortfall in the region. CASA was established after the last regional transportation plan, known as Plan Bay Area, was passed. The recommendations in the adopted report include ones that can be implemented regionally as well as ones that will need state approval, and may be incorporated into legislation in the coming year. The recommendations include just cause eviction policies, rent cap, funds for legal assistance to renters, and removal of regulatory barriers to increase housing production. The Safe Routes Partnership will continue to monitor the implementation of the CASA recommendations, and will try to ensure that housing solutions also factor in access to affordable transportation options.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California