The Southern California Association of Governments will be soliciting partnerships with community based organizations (CBOs) to help assist with outreach and feedback for the Regional Transportation Plan & Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) 2020 update. Connect SoCal is the official branding for The RTP/SCS 2020, and outreach will begin this spring. Eligible CBOs will have opportunities to be compensated to do outreach work with SCAG and the consultant team. The CBOs working with their stakeholders can provide feedback during the Connect SoCal development process, engage local stakeholders to inform them about Connect SoCal and solicit feedback, and work with local jurisdictions to help identify local priorities and unmet needs. This engagement will rely on the expertise and insights of local partners to help ground-truth assumptions, strategies, and policies in the community. This is a fantastic opportunity to help make sure the region’s transportation and climate plan address community concerns.  SCAG will host a training on Thursday, March 28th from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. for interested CBOs.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Andrés Carrasquillo via email at

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California