The City of Rialto in San Bernardino County convened their first active transportation technical advisory committee (TAC), called Rialto Walks, Rides & Rolls, earlier this month. The first meeting was facilitated jointly by KTUA Consulting, Alta Planning and the City of Rialto. Stakeholders in the TAC include community based organizations, businesses and local agencies. The TAC will oversee the outreach process and strategize ways to get feedback on the development of an active transportation plan and a bikeshare feasibility study, which aims to be the first bikeshare in San Bernardino County. At the first meeting, participants developed a calendar of community outreach events including the Spring Eggstravaganza and brainstormed a list of local Rialto employers to invite more members into TAC participation. TAC members were also given an initial survey to identify top priorities and concerns for the feasibility study and active transportation plan. The Safe Routes Partnership is excited to engage on the TAC and to help connect the plans with strategies from Rialto’s Safe Routes to School efforts. We also look forward how the new plans will leverage outreach for the upcoming development of the city’s Climate Adaptation Plan. Clearly, there are very exciting things happening for Rialto and we are happy to be a part of what’s rolling within the City!

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California