Learn about the match requirement in the MAP-21 law.
The complexities of engaging and educating your governor and state agency leaders on the benefits of policies and funding that support Safe Routes to School can feel daunting, but may be easier than you imagine.
Many local communities are eager to use transportation funding streams to create safe streets for people walking and bicycling.
Two years ago, Congress made major modifications to the federal Safe Routes to School program. While those changes are still being rolled out by state departments of transportation, it is time to examine how different states have adapted to those changes and how the changes have impacted the availability of Safe Routes to School funds.
This brief profiles four MPOs, each of which used a thoughtful and innovative approach to TAP that was ultimately beneficial to the safety of children and families on the trip to and from school.
This factsheet helps communities understand how to use the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to support healthy community design and active transportation.
This webinar discusses the role of regional governments in Safe Routes to School.
Physical activity is a fundamental building block for good health, and states have a crucial role in promoting it. States’ actions are essential – enacting laws and policies to support active, healthy lifestyles, devoting staff and planning efforts to physical activity, and ensuring adequate funding for walking, bicycling, and physical activity.