Salem Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS) invites you to review and comment on the FY 2018-2023 TIP – how transportation dollars can be spent over the next six years on transit, roadways, and bike and pedestrian facilities.

Comments on the TIP will be accepted until April 11, 2017. A public hearing is scheduled on April 25, 2017. 

Public Hearing for the SKATS Draft FY 2018-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD).

Date: April 25, 2017
Time: Noon
Where: 100 High Street SE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301

Send comments to: Karen Odenthal 503-540-1608 or

More information, including an interactive map, and the opportunity to comment online, can be found on the MWVCOG website.

Below are the proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects for the 2018-2023 TIP:

  1. S5—Brown Rd. NE (San Francisco Dr. to Sunnyview Rd.); Construct curbs, sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping, and storm water facilities. Add turn pocket at Sunnyview Rd. $3,058,700
  2. S8—Multi‐Modal Safety Crossing; Construct crossings to improve the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians at five locations in Salem. $566,200 NEW
  3. S10—Union St. Family Friendly Bikeway; Provide bicycle facilities on Union St. from Commercial St. to 12th St. to provide continuous bicycle connections. $3,800,000 NEW
  4. K2—Verda Ln. (Dearborn Av. to Salem Pkwy.); Construct sidewalks and bike lanes on Verda Ln. completing the corridor. Near schools. $3,200,000 NEW
  5. M2—Hayesville Dr. (Happy Dr. to Fuhrer St.); Add curbs, bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities. Near schools and park. $2,663,600
  6. M9—Hayesville Dr. (Portland Rd. to Happy Dr.); Add curbs, bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaping, and pedestrian amenities. Completes the corridor. $2,950,000 NEW
  7. M4—45th Ave. (Ward Dr. to Silverton Rd.); Construct bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of 45th Av. near Chemeketa Community College. $3,266,541 UPDATED
  8. M10—Hollywood Dr. (Silverton Rd. to Greenfield Ln.); Add curbs, bike lanes, sidewalks on Hollywood Dr., plus signal and left‐turn lane at Silverton Rd. $3,150,000 NEW
  9. O3—OR 221 (Wallace Rd.) Signal/Ped Crossing Improvements; Construct Rapid Flashing Beacons at five crosswalks on Wallace Rd. between Narcissus Ct. and Vick Ave. and make systemic signal improvements to all of the signals on Wallace Rd. to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Wallace Rd. $500,000
  10. S3—Commercial St. (Oxford St. to Winding Way); Construct buffered bike lanes, rapid flashing beacons, and lighting. $1,908,200 NEW

Read more analysis of the TIP from Salem Breakfast on Bikes blog.


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