The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Clark County is being updated in 2018/19 to comply with federal requirements and to ensure continued consistency between federal, state, regional and local plans. The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council Board of Directors are scheduled to release the Draft RTP for public comment and review following their December 4 Board meeting. We've been tracking the plan and will provide more analysis once the full plan is released.

The RTP update is expected to focus on the following themes:

  • Existing transportation system performance and forecast future performance to horizon year 2040
  • Changing demographics and lifestyles
  • System preservation and maintenance
  • Safety and security
  • Freight mobility
  • Transportation and economic development
  • Access to essential services
  • Transportation system management and operations
  • Transportation demand management
  • Transportation system design; designing for complete streets where applicable.
  • Active transportation (pedestrian, bicycle, safe routes to school, access to transit)

Learn more about the plan here.


Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest