Westside Mobility Strategy Bikeway Concepts

The Westside Bike Mobility Project continues the work of the Westside Mobility Strategy and the City’s Complete Streets Program to further evaluate and refine plans for 2-3 north-south bike connections (from the Burnt Bridge Creek Trail to the north to the Columbia River Renaissance Trail to the south).

Based on what the City has heard from the community through our previous work on the Westside Mobility Strategy, the goal is to narrow down options for at least one bike route to include protected facilities and/or a neighborhood greenway and for one route to enable bike commuting. Also based on previous work, they are looking at Columbia Street, Daniels Street, Lincoln Avenue, and/or Washington Street as potential route locations. Portions of Columbia Street are scheduled for resurfacing in 2019, so now is a good time to consider improvements at this location.

City staff are getting out in the community this fall to gather your ideas on the design for these new bike routes. Check out the Westside Bike Mobility Project website for information on upcoming opportunities, our online open house and survey, and to sign up for email updates.


Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest