Updated 8-24-18: Read our letter in support of the East McGloughlin Safety Project

The City of Vancouver is working to make a safe east-west route on McLoughlin Blvd between Reserve and Brandt that accommodates all levels of cyclists including children. The proposal includes improving pedestrian crosswalks at intersections and creating buffered bike lanes. This project will foster overall system connectivity, and address a major gap in the City's Complete Streets Network.

Vancouver City Council has identified McLoughlin Boulevard from Reserve Street to Brandt Road, including segments of Brandt Road and Mill Plain Boulevard, as an opportunity to improve the safety for all users, including people biking and walking. The focus of the project is to evaluate and design a complete streets treatment that will improve safety and accessibility for all street users, including people walking, biking, driving, and taking transit, and will improve conditions for students accessing the several elementary and middle schools along this corridor.

The City of Vancouver is currently taking comments and will finalize the design this summer. 

Find out more about this project


Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest