Every two years, following a call for projects, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) submits a report to the legislature on the recommended Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and Pedestrian/Bicyclist Program (PBP) grants. The 2019-2021 report explains the selection process, reports on past grant awards, and provides a prioritized list of applicants for funding in the next cycle.
For the next grant awards (2019-2021 biennium), approximately $41 million in funding is anticipated to be awarded for the two programs. WSDOT received 253 applications requesting a total of $185.8 million—more than four times the amount available and the highest number to date in total amount requested.
safe routes to school projects
118 applications from 84 agencies and organizations totaling approximately $85.8 million. The 2019-21 available funding of $21.15M would enable WSDOT to award funds to 24 applicants; 75% of these projects target low-income schools.

Pedestrian and bicycle program projects
135 applications from 92 agencies and organizations totaling approximately $99.9 million. The 2019-21 available funding of $20M would enable WSDOT to award funds to 29 applicants.