In the greater Portland region, Metro is in the middle of a process to shape a regional transportation funding measure that could go before voters in November 2020. Called 'T2020', the process includes an appointed Task Force to advise the Metro Council in the development of the measure - Task Force meetings have been held since February 2019, and they are tasked with making recommendations on corridors (roadways) to invest in, projects on those corridors, regionwide programs, and financing mechanisms for the measure. Metro Council is the ultimate decisionmaker on what is included in the measure and whether it will be referred to the ballot in November 2020.
Over the summer, the Task Force considered regionwide programs for inclusion in the measure, and we are delighted to report that among the programs recommended for inclusion were Safe Routes to School, Active Transportation Regional Investments, Safety Hot Spots, Better Bus (Enhanced Transit), and Transit Fare Affordability.
Today, Metro Council supported moving forward with a three-part overarching theme of safety, equity, and climate action for the programs that advance into a potential measure. Taken together, the following programs will be further developed and considered again in the spring of 2020 by Metro Council:
- Safe Routes to School (programs and infrastructure)
- Safety Hot Spots
- Active Transportation Regional Connections
- Better Bus
- Transit Vehicle Electrification
- Fare Affordability for Students
- Protecting and Preserving Multifamily Housing
- Main Streets Revitalization
- Corridor Planning

Safe Routes Partnership is a proud founding member of the Getting There Together Coalition. Making our streets safe and accessible for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds is core to our work to advance safe walking and bicycling to and from schools, to improve the health and wellbeing of kids of all races, income levels, and abilities, and to foster the creation of healthy communities for everyone. We advocate for a just regional transportation measure for the greater Portland region that meets our safety, equity, and climate goals by investing in transportation projects our communities want and need: safer, connected, ADA, walking, and bicycling access, and an affordable, frequent, and reliable transit system that takes us where we need to go.
Read our T2020 testimony in May 2019
Read Getting There Together's welcome letter to the new Metro Council in January 2019