
Tribal communities have much to gain from increasing active transportation.  But they can experience particular challenges to making policy and on-the-ground changes necessary to support active transportation and Safe Routes to School. 

This webinar builds on the recent publication, Walking and Bicycling in Indian Country: Safe Routes to School in Tribal CommunitiesThe webinar provides an overview of some of the considerations unique to implementing Safe Routes to School in tribal communities, and highlights successful strategies that can assist in overcoming the challenges. The webinar will feature representatives from two Tribes that have improved opportunities for safe walking and bicycling to school through education and encouragement programs, infrastructure improvements, and strong partnerships with outside organizations and agencies.  


  • Colleen Oliver, Communications Manager, National Center for Safe Routes to School
  • Michelle Lieberman, Technical Assistance Project Manager, Safe Routes Partnership
  • Hillary Fry Mead, Public Health Educator, Cherokee Nation
  • Sharon Hausam, Planning Program Manager, Pueblo of Laguna 
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