
DC Students Learn Traffic Safety Through Performance Art and Storytelling


Seasoned Settlers is a Washington, D.C. metro-based educational entertainment organization putting a creative spin on safety. We talk to Executive Director Sweeetz LaBamba about public safety as a collective responsibility, the power of arts engagement, and how a career in clowning led her to become one of the District’s most dynamic safety advocates.

Safe Routes to School Launch Communities Receive California ATP Funding

 The Safe Routes to School Launch program, a joint project of the Safe Routes Partnership and UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), is designed to start and strengthen sustainable Safe Routes to School programs in California communities. The program was funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Paper to Pavement: Putting Safe Routes to Parks Plans into Action

Colorful crosswalks. Temporary bike lanes. Playful paths. Creating new green space. These are just a few ways to improve local park access. We just wrapped up work with our first cohort of communities in the Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities program, which provides individualized consultation, group trainings, and grant funding to nonprofits to improve safe, equitable park access in their communities.

The Grocery Bag Challenge

In 2015, the American Heart Association in Hampton Roads, Virginia added a new dimension to its annual 5k Heart Walk by inviting participants to take the Grocery Bag Challenge. Participants carried an eight-pound grocery bag for one mile of the walk to raise awareness of the difficulty faced by people without convenient transportation or grocery stores close to home. Participants reported that it was much harder than they expected!

Four Things Healthy Food Advocates Can Do to Improve Access for People Without Cars

“There are too many places in this country where it’s easier to buy a grape soda than a bunch of grapes,” explains Caroline Harries, Associate Director at The Food Trust, when she describes food deserts. Although there are many definitions of food deserts, they are commonly understood as places where fresh, nutritious foods are not accessible within a reasonable or convenient distance to travel. They are often defined as one mile in an urban area and ten miles in a rural area. In a car, those distances are no problem.

Safe Routes to Groceries in Cleveland’s AsiaTown

In winter 2017, our team got a question: “Have you ever looked at how people can walk to and from grocery stores from senior centers? Maybe Safe Routes to Grocery Stores?” We were thrilled. We had been working for the past year to refine a concept called Safe Routes to Healthy Food, which works to overcome the barriers to walking, biking, and taking public transportation to places where people get healthy foods. This was a chance to dive in to see how the challenges and solutions we’d been exploring played out in a real neighborhood. Asian Services in Action, Inc.