This study examines associations between mode of travel to non-school destinations and physical activity in schoolchildren.

  • The authors analyzed data from SPEEDY, an observational study of 9–10 year old British children. In summer 2007, children reported their usual mode of travel to four destinations (to visit family, friends, the park or the shops) and wore accelerometers for at least three days. Time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was computed for the following time segments: daily, after school, weekend and out-of-school. Associations between mode of travel and physical activity were assessed using adjusted two-level multiple regression models stratified by sex.
  • N=1859 pupils provided valid data. Boys who used active modes of travel spent significantly more time in MVPA in all time segments than boys who used passive modes. The median daily time spent in MVPA was 87 minutes for active travellers and 76 minutes for passive travellers. In girls, median time spent in MVPA after school was significantly higher in the active (34 minutes) than the passive travellers (29 minutes).
  • Active travel to non-school destinations is associated with higher overall physical activity levels in 9–10 year old schoolchildren. Active travel was associated with higher overall activity levels in males and greater after-school activity levels in females.
  • Promoting non-school active travel may help to achieve higher activity levels.

Smith, L., S. Sahlqvist, et al. (2012). "Is active travel to non-school destinations associated with physical activity in primary school children?" Preventive Medicine. Available online January 18, 2012.

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