A Community Bike Swap is a way to
refurbish and redistribute community bikes. It
engages participants to find bikes that fit them or their children better and is
a low to no-cost way to encourage bicycle ridership when paired with other
education or promotional events/rides or otherwise.
Shared use is a tool that property owners can use to fill a need in their community for recreational facilities and increase opportunities for physical activity. This guide covers two types of promotion: promoting your shared use space to program providers and promoting the activities and programs to community members.
Over the past few decades, faith-based organizations across the country have been placing greater emphasis on health and wellness.
The toolkit serves as a research and information source for professionals on how to establish and enter into a joint facility use agreement so both parties are protected and informed.
This tool serves as a guide to assist North Carolina schools and communities to develop and implement joint use agreements.
This toolkit focuses on helping community members plan to share public buildings and grounds for the purpose of expanding opportunities for physical exercise and active recreation.
This toolkit focuses on helping community members plan to share public buildings and grounds for the purpose of expanding opportunities for physical exercise and active recreation.
North Carolina has identified joint use agreements as a critical strategy to increase physical activity among both children and adults.
This toolkit shares what we have learned from successful agreements, offering guidelines and templates for other communities looking to expand their access to school recreational facilities.
Improving people’s access to recreation areas such schools and parks through joint use agreements can also increase opportunities for physical activity.