
Three MPO representatives speak about how they’ve used TAP funds to support a range of Safe Routes to School projects in their communities. 

In the last transportation bill, Congress combined the Safe Routes to School program with other bicycling and walking funding streams to create the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Congress also gave large metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) decision-making authority over which projects to fund in their regions. 

In this webinar, three MPO representatives speak about how they’ve used TAP funds to support a range of Safe Routes to School projects in their communities. MPO staff and advocates alike can learn how scoring criteria, carefully crafted applications and funding set asides can help ensure that Safe Routes to School remains strong under TAP.  The webinar builds on the recent publication, The Role of MPOs in Advancing Safe Routes to School through the Transportation Alternatives Program, and the SRTS Safe Routes Partnership will discuss how Congress could expand the role of MPOs in TAP in the next transportation bill.


  • Margaret Boone, Safety Engineer, Maricopa Association of Governments, Phoenix, AZ
  • Raymond Hess, Director of Planning, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
  • Karla Weaver, Program Manager, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
  • Margo Pedroso, Deputy Director, Safe Routes Partnership 
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