
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Please join the Safe Routes Partnership and California Transportation Commission for a webinar on April 30 about a new change in the ATP Guidelines: additional questions about the non-infrastructure program in Combined Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure applications.

For a number of years, we have argued that the format and rubrics of Combined applications in the ATP did not allow either applicants to adequately highlight their proposed educational and encouragement programs, nor evaluators to adequately score them.

Thanks to the adoption of the online applications portable Submittable this cycle, applicants proposing Combined Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure non-application questions will be prompted for additional information specific to their non-infrastructure components, and evaluators will be given guidance on how to evaluate them.
In this webinar, we will give an overview of the new questions, provide suggestions on how best to answer them, and answer any questions you might have.


Jonathan Matz, California Senior Policy Manager, Safe Routes Partnership

Beverly Newman-Burckhard, Assistant Deputy Director, California Transportation Commission (CTC)

Jonathan Matz serves as California Senior Policy Manager for the Safe Routes Partnership. In this role, he works to promote state and local policies that facilitate active transportation and safe streets. Additionally, he advises governments and agencies in low income communities on safe streets policy and helps them build capacity and secure funding for Safe Routes to School infrastructure and planning through California's Active Transportation Program and other sources.

Beverley Newman-Burckhard joined the California Transportation Commission (CTC) as the Assistant Deputy Director for the Active Transportation Program in May 2020. Before coming to the CTC, she worked in health care policy and financing at the California Department of Health Care Services. She also has experience working for global development, public health, and environmental non-profit organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Arabic and a Master of Science in International Development, both from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Beverley is an avid cyclist and bike commuter.

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