Statewide News: ATP Guidelines Continue to Be Refined

Workshops to refine the ATP Cycle 5 Guidelines are continuing, and since our January update, there have been a few changes: 

  • The Healthy Places Index will now be accepted as a fourth statewide metric to qualify for Disadvantaged Community Status, with full severity points available. We’re very pleased that this option will be available to applicants. 

Central Valley News: A General Plan for Manteca

Manteca is in the process of developing its general plan to guide how the city will grow. We recently recommended that Manteca include in its plan concrete ways it will improve bicycle and pedestrian access around schools, improvements in active transportaton data collection, and measurable goals on Complete Streets. We also urged the city to prioritize affordable transportation options as part of the environmental justice component of the general plan.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California