ATP Guidelines Take Shape for Cycle 5

The next application deadline for the Active Transportation Program (ATP) will be June 15, 2020 for Cycle 5, with projects awarded in 2021. The California Transportation Commission is currently holding workshops to get feedback and input on the ATP guidelines. “Branch” workshops will be held in locations where workshops haven’t been help before, and will be for input.  “Central” workshops will be in more central locations and will include discussions and decisions on different aspects of the guidelines; there will also be a webinar and real-time chat function available.

Bay Area News: Planning for a Future with Safe Routes

Next year, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) will roll out Plan Bay Area 2050. The Safe Routes Partnership is asking MTC to increase funding for the regional Safe Routes to School program, sustain the Spare the Air Youth Program, enforce the Complete Streets policy, add $100 million to the One Bay Area grants, and expand its commitment to equity. We hope you will attend Plan Bay Area meetings throughout 2020 and push for these commitments too. 

Statewide News: Register for our ATP Webinar Next Week

The first in our series of webinars focused on Active Transportation Cycle 5 is next week on Thursday, Sept 26 at 11am PT - register now! It may seem too soon to be thinking about this, but what we know from our work with past ATP applicants is that if you wait until the guidelines come out, you won’t have enough time to create a competitive application.

Statewide News: CalTrans Taps Active Transportation Champion as Director

Congratulations to Toks Omishakin, Governor Newsom’s nominee for CalTrans director, which was announced earlier this month. Mr. Omishakin is a recruit from the Tennessee Department of Transportation, where he has been an unyielding champion of active transportation and complete streets. Prior to that, he served as director of healthy living initiatives for the Nashville Mayor’s Office for three years.

Central Valley News: Join Us For Meetings in Stockton to Build Sustainable Active Transportation Networks and Healthy Communities

Join Catholic Charities, Public Health Advocates, the Safe Routes Partnership and many others for monthly meetings of the Stockton Healthy Neighborhoods Collaborative (HNC). The Collaborative meets to discuss issues around planning, health, land use, and active transportation in the city of Stockton and the county of San Joaquin. Go to the HNC Facebook page for more information.

Bay Area News: MTC Webinar Series Prelude to Next RTP

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has been holding a series of webinars that presage the development of the next Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Plan Bay Area 2050. Play Bay Area guides transportation investments for decades.  Active transportation, Complete Streets, and Safe Routes to School are addressed in the plan. Join the webinar series so you are prepared to participate when the process gears up in earnest next year. 

Central Valley News: TCC Processes at Work

In 2018, the City of Stockton was awarded a Planning Grant in the amount of $170,000 by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC).  These funds support planning activities in the Downtown and South Stockton region to allow STockton to apply a full Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program grant later this year. Over the next few months, plans for the application will be developed and submitted to the city council.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California