Statewide News: ATP Guidelines Continue to Be Refined

Workshops to refine the ATP Cycle 5 Guidelines are continuing, and since our January update, there have been a few changes: 

  • The Healthy Places Index will now be accepted as a fourth statewide metric to qualify for Disadvantaged Community Status, with full severity points available. We’re very pleased that this option will be available to applicants. 

SoCal News: Groups Urge SCAG to Strengthen Connect SoCal Plan

In collaboration with local advocacy groups, Safe Routes Partnership submitted a policy comment letter this week to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) on the 2020 update of the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). The 2020 RTP/SCS, also known as Connect SoCal, will set the Southern California’s plans for transportation and housing for the next 25 years--including thousands of transportation projects. 

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California