Here you will find publications related to the operations of the Safe Routes Partnership, such as our strategic plan and annual reports.
Here you will find publications related to the operations of the Safe Routes Partnership, such as our strategic plan and annual reports.
This report is an account of positive changes that occur when broad groups of stakeholders work together on behalf of our children. Community groups and individuals helped galvanize the call for these changes, demonstrating broad support for active transportation.
In 2010 and 2011, the 20 state networks engaged more than 600 partner organizations and agencies in policy priorities based upon the following policy categories:
This infographic highlights the health and community benefits of Safe Routes to School.
The Safe Routes Partnership's 2011-2015 final Strategic Plan was adopted by our Steering Committee on November 3, 2010. A sincere thank you goes out to the nearly 1,000 people who were interviewed, completed a survey, attended our annual meeting and/or provided written comments on the draft strategic plan.
This report includes policy successes, lessons learned and local success stories that were a result of policy changes led by the 20 state network coalitions.
This resource is a policy statement that describes the goals of the Southern California Safe Routes to School Network.
This report gives some background information on Safe Routes to School and details challenges and opportunities in program implementation.
This resource is a policy statement that describes the goals of the Greater Washington Regional Safe Routes to School Network.
This report describes the strategies, partners, successes and lessons learned from the Safe Routes to School state network project in 20 states during 2010.
This report provides guidance in working with MPOs and highlights lessons learned in the regions where the Safe Routes Partnership has concentrated efforts through the four-year implementation of the regional network project, which dedicates staff to effect change at the regional level.
Executive Summary for the Safe Routes Partnership's 2011-2015 Strategic Plan.