The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Fact Sheet
Keep Calm and Carry On to School

A new infobrief, Keep Calm and Carry On to School: Improving Arrival and Dismissal for Walking and Biking, provides information on how schools, districts, cities, counties, and community partners can address arrival and dismissal in school travel plans as well as other planning, policy, and programming efforts.

Fact Sheet
Actionable Public Health Strategies to Boost Community Well-Being with Safe Routes to Parks

Communities are healthier when people can use and access parks and green spaces. This resource provides actionable strategies and inspiring examples for public health agencies to take an active role in their communities’ Safe Routes to Parks efforts.

Fact Sheet
Defining and Prioritizing High-Need Communities in the Transportation Alternatives Program

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law made many positive changes to the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), including a new requirement that states define high-need communities and prioritize them in TAP project selection. Use this factsheet to see how states currently define high-need communities as part of their TAP application process and the variety of opportunities states can use to prioritize and support them.

Fact Sheet
Federal Funding for Local Park Access

Federal funding for local park, trail, and active transportation projects can be transformative for a community! This fact sheet profiles several
federal funding sources that have the potential to support infrastructure improvements that increase access to everyday destinations, especially parks and greenspace.

Fact Sheet
Finding and Funding Great Projects: How State Funding Programs Can Prioritize Projects Backed by Strong Public Support

States manage significant funding that can support Safe Routes to Parks.  This factsheet lays out how states can use grant guides and project  election criteria to prioritize projects backed by meaningful community engagement.

Fact Sheet
Incentivizing Local Action for Safe Routes to Parks

Funding reflects priorities. State funding allocations, grant programs, project selection criteria, and technical assistance programs shape communities across the state. This fact sheet covers how states prioritize goals like equity, local planning, and project implementation by incentivizing actions that move communities toward those goals. It includes examples from multiple states to serve as inspiration and ideas for how to connect these approaches to Safe Routes to Parks initiatives.

Let the Good Vibes Flow: Staying Active and Connected Through Community Walk & Roll Programs

Check out this new publication, Let the Good Vibes Flow: Staying Active and Connected Through Community Walk & Roll Programs, inspired by Healthy Savannah’s community health and wellness initiative.

Fact Sheet
Federal Funding Infographics

Two infographics break down the history and current structure of federal funding for Safe Routes to School.

Fact Sheet, Toolkit
California's Active Transportation Program: A Step-By-Step Guide to the Application Process

This guide will help California communities understand the process of applying to the ATP, with our recommendations for how to plan for, draft and submit your application.

Let’s Get Together: A Guide for Engaging Communities and Creating Change

This resource is for individuals, organizations, and government agencies working on equity and engagement in Safe Routes to School and beyond.