The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Toolkit, Website, Video
Taking Steps Toward Mobility Justice: An Invitation to Learn More and Take Action

We are pleased to offer the Mobility Justice resource page, which outlines three actions that advocates can take to reimagine how people move through their communities and address the inequities built into our transportation system. 

Engineering Solutions Guide

The Engineering Solutions Guide for Safe Routes to School covers street design strategies to address traffic safety concerns commonly identified in school areas and along the routes to school.

A Place It! Guide to Safe Routes to Schools

This guide will equip you with the tools to engage students, families, and staff of all backgrounds in imagining, designing, and building more walkable and roll-able routes to school.

Fact Sheet
Funding Beyond the Feds

This fact sheet explores some of the more popular methods local governments are using to generate funds for active transportation.

Strategic Storytelling Toolkit

This toolkit will guide your planning for effective storytelling and elevating voices in your community.

Fact Sheet
Aligning Safe Routes to Parks With Safe Routes to School

This fact sheet outlines how Safe Routes to School and Safe Routes to Parks programming and advocacy can align to achieve shared goals and accomplish even more than each could do separately.

Fact Sheet
Generating and Prioritizing Funding for Active Transportation

MPOs allocate millions of dollars from the federal government for transportation for things like roads, bridges, biking and walking infrastructure, and air quality improvements. In this process, there is ripe opportunity for advocates to lock in new funding for active transportation and transit.  

Community Engagement for Safe Routes to School Virtual Training

We are hosting a free virtual training on effective and authentic community engagement for Safe Routes to School on October 20 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Eastern.

Fact Sheet
Boosting Active Transportation Through Regional Transportation Plans

For active transportation and Safe Routes advocates, the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) planning process offers critical opportunities influence a region’s long-term commitment to active transportation and transit, and to actually ensure that funding goes to specific biking, walking, and transit projects.

Fact Sheet
Safe Routes to Parks in Complete Streets Policies

Incorporating Safe Routes to Parks priorities into Complete Streets policies can help shape daily operations and funding decisions, drastically increasing the likelihood of sustainable funding and consistent implementation.