The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Working Together to Make Meaningful Change: A Toolkit for Engaging Communities Across Colorado

This resource is for individuals, organizations, and government agencies that are working on community engagement in Colorado. 

Routes of Health: Exploring the Effects of Navigation Systems on Community Mobility, Safety, and Livability

This report examines how the increased use of navigation systems is directing drivers into sensitive street zones, shifting traffic patterns and behaviors, creating a culture of health that's threatening active transportation, children’s health & safety, and the vitality of streets surrounding our parks, schools, and other community hubs.

Fact Sheet
Decoding the Jargon: Local Budget Basics for Funding Safe Routes to Parks

This factsheet offers an overview of how active transportation and parks and recreation are typically funded. 

Fact Sheet
Prioritize and Partner Up to Pay for Safe Routes to Parks Infrastructure

This factsheet offers strategies to move existing funding toward improving safe and equitable park access and the partnerships that can help facilitate both funding and implementation.

Fact Sheet
Ready, Set, GO Bonds for Park Access

Infrastructure for walking and biking can be seriously expensive. This fact sheet tells the story of two cities’ approach to paying for parks and connections to green space: general obligation bonds. 

Fact Sheet
Working with Unhoused People in Parks: Steps to Take in Your Community

This fact sheet invites non-profit organizations, community-based organizations (CBOs), and advocates to think through multiple perspectives on how unhoused people resting, living, and gathering in parks affects overall park access and use compassionately and practically.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back:

This report illustrates how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the health of youth and their families by impacting their physical activity.

Investing in Health, Safety, and Mobility: A Report on State Funding for Walking, Bicycling, and Safe Routes to School

This report includes an analysis of the amounts of funding each state dedicates to walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School and the source of these funds. Case studies and suggestions are provided for how states can develop funding streams that are dedicated to walking, bicycling, and/or Safe Routes to School.

Connecting People to Parks: A Toolkit to Increase Safe and Equitable Access to Local Parks and Green Spaces

This toolkit includes step-by-step guidance through the Safe Routes to Parks framework to increase safe and equitable access to parks and green spaces.